Grab js+flv video without embed option

I’m running a website for a political organization and was asked to post this article to the blog along with the embedded video: I couldn’t figure out a way to get the video from the news page to the client’s blog. Does anyone know an easy way of doing this? Answer For what it’s … Read more

Microsoft Terminal Server blocks flash content

I have a Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise server running, where users are unable to use sites such as YouSendIt to transfer large files out of their own organization. The server also runs Internet Explorer 9, with the latest Flash installed. The flash element used is loaded (I can right click and select the … Read more

Removing write-protected’ness of a file system from terminal in Linux

I recently saw that my 2GB SanDisk microSD card was mounting as read-only filesystem on my linux (Ubuntu 10.10). I tried changing its property through nautilus, but it went in vain. Also I tried manually editing /etc/mtab file where I edited “ro” option to “rw”, but when the flash-drive was again inserted, it was mounted … Read more

Chrome Flash Updates in a Domain environment

One of the business critical applications for us is powered by Adobe Flash. Naturally, this comes with plenty of associated problems. The company wide browser in use is Google Chrome. We run a Windows Server 2008 domain environment with Windows 7 clients. The biggest problem we have is the very frequent roll-out of updates for … Read more

How quickly do NVRAM-N DIMM’s restore their information?

New servers have NVRAM-N DIMM’s which allow for their information to be saved to flash when the system loses power. I’ve read that it takes about a minute to save the information and the built in battery lasts only seconds more than the time required to save the RAM into it’s Flash. However I’ve read … Read more

Sharepoint Wiki: Can you embed anything other than images and hyperilnks? Specifically, .swf?

Is it possible to embed anything other than hyperlinks and pictures in a Sharepoint Wiki? I was trying to insert a client-side .swf flash video, but I am having some trouble, since it seems that <object> tags are being removed. If I can’t embed .swf files, are there video file types I can embed (such … Read more

How to replace default debian 5 flash installation?

How do I replace the default debian 5 flash installation with the adobe version? I enabled contrib and non-free repositories in the sources.list file. And installed flashplugin-nonfree. Logged out and back in, firefox still uses the default one. I tried removing swfdec-* but that asks for gnome to be removed as well. Answer Try running … Read more

Disable Flash Player in Chrome via Group Policy

How would I disable the Flash player in Google Chrome browsers for my 50 AD computers via group policy or script in 2008 R2? I have tried a couple of applications, PDQDeploy_6 among them, but this software is not suitable for my task. Answer You mentioned PDQ Deploy. There is a package available in the … Read more

Trying to find some really old versions of software [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 6 years ago. Improve this question I am currently trying to track down some old versions of Adobe Flash, Adobe Acrobat 9, Adobe Reader XI and Java Runtime Environment … Read more