Is it possible to “sudo su” using ssh in bash? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: `sudo echo “bla” >> /etc/sysctl.conf` permission denied (5 answers) Closed 6 years ago. #!/bin/bash USERNAME=ksmith HOSTS=”linux1″ YUPDATE=”sudo yum -y update” FIXDATE=”sudo -u echo -e ‘ZONE=”America/New_York”\nUTC=true’ > /etc/sysconfig/clock” for HOSTNAME in ${HOSTS} ; do ssh -tt -l ${USERNAME} ${HOSTNAME} “${YUPDATE}; ${FIXDATE}” done I get the error: sudo -u echo -e … Read more

can’t switch to root or use sudo [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 6 years ago. Improve this question I’ve just come into the following problem: For some reason I can’t use su or sudo: usr@usr-MS-7816:~$ su Password: su: Authentication failure usr@usr-MS-7816:~$ … Read more

How to protect from coworkers [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question Hello how to protect linux account form other administrators(coworkers) in company who can use your account to steal data and point a police … Read more

sudo to other user doesn’t preserve DISPLAY variable

I’ve got an /etc/sudoers file that works just fine in all versions of Fedora prior to F18, but we’ve noticed that when upgrading to F18 (and installing FreeIPA, though the cases I’ll show here were run with sudo processing done using this file to minimize variables), sudo is not preserving the DISPLAY variable as requested … Read more

su command works without prompting password

I’m on a RHEL server where the su command drops the user into root without prompting for a password. Obviously, this is a pretty big cause for concern which I’d like to fix. I’m not in contact with the previous admin, and he didn’t leave any notes on what he did to make this happen. … Read more

“su” does not work on FreeBSD

Below I sun “su” command on FreeBSD: FreeBSD rand.vstyle.local 9.0-RELEASE FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE #0 amd64 This is server RAND 🙂 [svn@rand ~]$ su logostudiotest1 /bin/ls Password: /bin/ls: /bin/ls: cannot execute binary file Why “su” does not work?! Answer According to the su manpage if you want to run a command as another user using su, you … Read more

Centos : su: incorrect password after bash update

A few days ago I’ve updated the bash to patch it agains Shellshock and since then I cannot su – root from my regular ‘wheelgroupuser’ account on Centos 6.5 with WHM. I’m constantly getting su: incorrect password – even though I know for sure that the password is correct. I have Password Authorization disabled and … Read more