Why can’t I see installed AIR applications in /Applications on Mac OS Lion?

Yesterday I did a clean install of Mac OS Lion, and installed bunch of apps, including HipChat Desktop Application (an Adobe AIR app). I used it for some time and eventually closed it. Today I wanted to start it again, but couldn’t find it in Launchpad. I looked in /Applications folder, but I couldn’t find … Read more

Changing size of window when testing Adobe AIR mobile applications

Im making a mobile phone Android application in Flash CS 5.5. I set the width/height of the stage to 480/800 px. When I hit CTRL+ENTER to test run the application I get a window that is 480/800 px. It cannot be resized. I want to change the size of that window WITHOUT changing the stage … Read more

Resolving dependencies related to 32 bit libraries on 64 bit [closed]

This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet. For help making this question more broadly applicable, visit the help center. Closed 9 years … Read more

Cannot install adobe air on 13.10; i386 pkgs don’t exist [duplicate]

This question already exists: How can I install Adobe Air on 64 bit Ubuntu 13.10 [duplicate] Closed 7 years ago. I need Adobe Air for an important software that is only delivered via that platform, but it’ll be used on a box that has Ubuntu x64. So there’s no way around that. From my research, … Read more

How to fix a broken Adobe Air package? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: How can I install Adobe AIR? (9 answers) Closed 7 years ago. I’m using 64 bit version of Ubuntu 10.10 and have some problems with broken dependencies. I needed Adobe Air but it was not availble via apt-get, so I downloaded it from Adobe and installed. Then I succesfully … Read more

libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0:i386 not available on Ubuntu 13.10 64 bit; troubles with Adobe Air

I’ve been trying to install Adobe Air on my 64 bit Ubuntu machine. The first thing I tried was to follow this tutorial that symlinks the missing libraries, but it is under the impression that HAL was still available, so I then had to follow this guide to get HAL working. Now my issue is … Read more

Does Ubuntu AppDev support applications written on Adobe AIR technology?

Does Ubuntu approve an application which is written using Adobe AIR technology? Yes, we know Adobe abandoned support for AIR for Linux. But still we can use Adobe AIR 2.6 and create applications using that. Answer Looking at the Canonical partner repository, it seems that Adobe AIR is only offered as a package available from … Read more

Running a Adobe AIR application on a headless remote server

I am trying to install an Adobe AIR file running ssh in a terminal (no GUI): sudo Adobe\ AIR\ Application\ Installer -silent -eulaAccepted MyAirApp.air But I receive the following error: (Adobe AIR Application Installer:7509): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: How can this be done? EDIT: This command is being run remotely using SSH Answer How … Read more