Why does Adobe Acrobat scroll so slowly, and what can I do about it?

I often am forced to view long PDF documents either in browser or out of browser. When I’m forced to use such documents, it’s always frustrating, because whenever I scroll the document, the viewer “stutters” — and it’s at least some 30 seconds later before Acrobat relinquishes control of my mouse pointer. (I’ve found that … Read more

Is there software to allow me to search a PDF file with Regex? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Super User. Closed last year. Improve this question I would like a PDF viewer that I can search documents with using regular expressions. Is there such a thing? I’ve tried PowerGrep, but … Read more

Fonts in PDF files: How do I ensure that a font will render properly across platforms/readers?

I created a document in MS Word (2007) and then published to PDF with the intention of creating a document that looks the same regardless of platform or pdf reader choice. It looks fine on a couple of windows machines, but when I open it in ubuntu (using acroread) the original font, arial, gets replaced … Read more

Batch-OCR many PDFs

This has been discussed a year ago here: Batch OCR for many PDF files (not already OCRed)? Is there any way to batch OCR PDFs that haven’t been already OCRed? This is, I think, the current state of things dealing with two issues: Batch OCR PDFs Windows Acrobat – This is the most straightfoward ocr … Read more