How to find out which versions of a package can I install on APT

Using APT, you can install a specific version of a package using: apt-get install package=1.0 But you can’t do apt-get install package=1.* So, how can I find out which versions are avaliable for package on a specific repository, or in all repositories in my /etc/apt/sources.list? Answer Just as an addendum apt-cache madison <<package name>> will … Read more

Why is piping ‘dd’ through gzip so much faster than a direct copy?

I wanted to backup a path from a computer in my network to another computer in the same network over a 100 Mbit/s line. For this I did dd if=/local/path of=/remote/path/in/local/network/backup.img which gave me a very low network transfer speed of something about 50 to 100 kB/s, which would have taken forever. So I stopped it and … Read more

List of installed repositories (yum)

In CentOS how can I get a list of installed repositories? Answer yum repolist yum repolist enabled shows all enabled repositories. These two commands are identical. yum repolist disabled shows disabled repositories. yum repolist all shows everything. AttributionSource : Link , Question Author : Handsome Nerd , Answer Author : Michael Hampton

Why is “/dev/rdisk” about 20 times faster than “/dev/disk” in Mac OS X

According to the rasbery pi documentation, You can load your OS to a flash card with either /dev/disk or /dev/rdisk. rdisk stands for raw disk. /dev/disk is a block level device, why would rdisk be 20 times faster? Using Mac OSX Note: In OS X each disk may have two path references in /dev: /dev/disk# … Read more