How do you set Linux ACL to default to a specific group with permissions?

So I have a directory: www\ which looks as so: [eugene@server ~]$ ll total 0 drwxrwx—. 2 eugene eugene 57 Dec 10 16:04 www I want to make it so all new files created in this directory will belong to the group apache and have the permissions 770. So I did: [eugene@server ~]$ chgrp apache … Read more

How to open folder with trailing space and no ACL permissions?

This is as bad as it gets. The folder is named “Recovery “. Notice that space? That’s stopping me from renaming it. I don’t know how, in Windows 7 I set the ACL permissions of the parent folder to deny access to everyone but me and then I removed Windows 7 and installed Windows 8. … Read more

How to change phantom “inherited” ACE on existing folder?

I unjoined my PC from a Windows domain and converted my profile from domain to local using ForensIT’s ProfWiz. Now some apps are giving me an “Access Denied” error on their ProgramData folders. These folders have an “inherited” ACE giving full control to my old domain account SID, but the parent folder has no corresponding … Read more

Enable Write Acess to Removable devices while restricting Read Access [Registry/GPO]

I’m trying to achieve this point: Disable Read Access to Removable Devices from Registry / GPO Enable Write Access to Removable Devices from Registry / GPO What I’ve tried so far: From gpedit.msc Then : gpupdate /force from cmd shell The Problem: Now trying to paste a test file on the Removable drive to test … Read more

Bulk change of ACL folder owner

We have several thousand folders and sub-folders in quite a complex folder structure which we are backing up. Several hundred of these sub-folders have been flagged during the backup process as failing due to access problems. On further investigation, the folder owners have been changed, denying the backup service account the privilege to read data … Read more

NFSv4 ACL is not applying despite having matching GIDs on server and client

I have a fileserver with nfs exports on it. On the server, I have a media directory that I ran setfacl -m g:44000:rwx media on. The directory is exported with rw,sync,no_subtree_check. On my client, I can run nfs4_getfacl media and it returns the expected A:g:44000:rwaDxtcy line. Permissions on media are drwxrwxr-x If I run mkdir … Read more