Can I use easy_install?

Can I use easy_install on Ubuntu 10.10? If yes, then how? Answer easy_install is the part of python-setuptools. First install python-setuptools sudo apt-get install python-setuptools Then you can use easy_install to install from pypi You need to use sudo with easy_install i.e. sudo easy_install module_name eg: sudo easy_install py2app Or there is another module python-pip … Read more

Prevent windows from stealing focus

I’m using Maverick with Compiz enabled. I’ve searched AskUbuntu and Google. AskUbuntu doesn’t have anything on this topic and everything Google turns up is a couple years old. I’m doing browser tests and my tests are constantly spawning new Firefox windows. The problem is, when the window is spawned it takes focus. This is incredibly … Read more

How to switch the editor in mc (midnight commander) from nano to mcedit?

Using ubuntu 10.10 the editor in mc (midnight commander) is nano. How can i switch to the internal mc editor (mcedit)? Answer Press the following keys in order, one at a time: F9 Activates the top menu. o Selects the Option menu. c Opens the configuration dialog. i Toggles the use internal edit option. s … Read more