RHEL 8.1 Kickstart cannot find ks.cfg

I’m having an issue with the RHEL 8.1 kickstart via NFS:

NFS share: 192.168.x.x:/export/nfs/kickstart/rhel8

Kickstart File: 192.168.x.x:/export/nfs/kickstart/rhel8/ks.cfg

It appears that Anaconda(?) is mounting the NFS directory locally under /run/install/repo — I can check that the mount is there and all files on the NFS share are available at that location.
However, Anaconda seems to be looking for the ks.cfg file at /run/install/repo/ks.cfg/ks.cfg (Yes, there is an extra “ks.cfg” in the path)

Is anyone else getting this issue kickstarting via NFS? If so, does anyone know of a workaround or fix?


You can try creating directory called ks.cfg on the NFS and moving the file there. You might want to check for an unnecessary “/” in specifying your path somewhere.

Source : Link , Question Author : J. Selman , Answer Author : Krasi

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