Problems installing ping in docker

I am trying to follow the docker tutorial but in a virtual machine. I’ve tried to install ping in ubuntu docker container with the command

sudo docker run ubuntu apt-get install ping

The problem is that docker doesn’t install anything and gives the answer as follows

$ sudo docker run ubuntu apt-get install ping
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Package ping is a virtual package provided by:
  inetutils-ping 2:1.8-6
  iputils-ping 3:20101006-1ubuntu1

E: Package 'ping' has no installation candidate

The same problem appears when I’m trying to install anything.

These are my images:

REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
<none>              <none>              3a28cc5bcc53        19 minutes ago      247.6 MB
baselDaemon         latest              4e892058b0b2        4 days ago          204.4 MB
ubuntu              13.10               9f676bd305a4        2 weeks ago         178 MB
ubuntu              saucy               9f676bd305a4        2 weeks ago         178 MB
ubuntu              13.04               eb601b8965b8        2 weeks ago         166.5 MB
ubuntu              raring              eb601b8965b8        2 weeks ago         166.5 MB
ubuntu              12.10               5ac751e8d623        2 weeks ago         161 MB
ubuntu              quantal             5ac751e8d623        2 weeks ago         161 MB
ubuntu              10.04               9cc9ea5ea540        2 weeks ago         180.8 MB
ubuntu              lucid               9cc9ea5ea540        2 weeks ago         180.8 MB
ubuntu              12.04               9cd978db300e        2 weeks ago         204.4 MB
ubuntu              latest              9cd978db300e        2 weeks ago         204.4 MB
ubuntu              precise             9cd978db300e        2 weeks ago         204.4 MB
learn/tutorial      latest              8dbd9e392a96        10 months ago       128 MB

Also, when I run sudo docker run ubuntu apt-get install ping what is the ‘ubuntu’ used here?

Thank you in advance.


According to:

Package ping is a virtual package provided by:
  inetutils-ping 2:1.8-6
  iputils-ping 3:20101006-1ubuntu1

E: Package 'ping' has no installation candidate

Try with:

sudo docker run ubuntu apt-get install iputils-ping

You choose a ‘ubuntu’ with repository:tag in place of IMAGE in RUN command

sudo docker run ubuntu:lucid command

Source : Link , Question Author : Community , Answer Author : VTacius

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