Memcached installation on Linux server [closed]

I tried to install memcached on linux server. After successful completion of all installation steps(configure, make and make install), when I try to start memcached services, nothing happens. What could be the problem? Also I don find any conf file generated.

I used this to start memcached

memcached -m 2048 -d -l 11211 -u appadmin


I don’t know what your expectations are but the command you provide will run memcached, which will start silently. You can check that memcached is running by using ps

ps -ef | grep memcached | grep -v grep
496   25480   1  0 07:20 ?    00:00:00 memcached -d -p 11211 -u memcached -l

or you can use netstat to see if it’s listening

netstat -tnlp | grep 11211
tcp    0    0*            LISTEN  25791/memcached
tcp    0    0 :::11211              :::*                 LISTEN  25791/memcached

I’ve only ever installed memcached using my Linux distros package manager and in doing so get access to the distro’s service control e.g.

service memcached start
Starting memcached:                                        [  OK  ]
service memcached status
memcached (pid  26330) is running...
service memcached stop
Stopping memcached:                                        [  OK  ]

or their /etc/init.d/memcached equivalents.

Source : Link , Question Author : Pavithra , Answer Author : user9517

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