Linux installs – where should I put them?

I am relatively new to Linux, I am using Xubuntu 10.04.

A lot of the software I download from the net, e.g. Aptana/Eclipse are just ZIP files that I open and run.

  1. I wish them to be in a specific folder where I can reach them from everywhere when I run “Eclipse”.

  2. I want them to be available to all users.

  3. I want to be able to start them from the drop-down menu on the desktop.

How can I do that?


There is some kind of “Filesystem Hierarchy Standard”:

The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) defines the main directories
and their contents in Linux operating systems. For the most part, it
is a formalization and extension of the traditional BSD filesystem

I would put that stuff to:

/opt/   Optional application software packages

Read yourself:

For the rest of your questions:

  1. That’s a matter of having the path to the binary / script you want to launch in the PATH variable. According to you want to do this via /etc/environment. You could also create a ‘symbolic link’ to the binary or write a launch script which you then place into /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin.

  2. See 1.

  3. For that you have to create a .desktop file and install it (make an entry in the menu to it) via xdg-desktop-menu.

Source : Link , Question Author : Aviv , Answer Author : Gaff

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