Linux and rpms and apps best practices?

I have an application to be delivered as an RPM.
I don’t know very good Linux.
What is best. Should the application start automatically on RPM installation or should the user manually start it from /etc/init.d?


Fedora has what is probably the best initscript policies, which covers your situation:

Why don’t we….

  • run ‘chkconfig <service> on’?

If a service should be enabled by default, make this the default in the init script. Doing otherwise will cause the service to be turned on on upgrades if the user explicitly disabled it.

Note that the default for most network-listening scripts is off. This is done for better security. We have multiple tools that can enable services, including GUIs.

  • start the service after installation?

Installations can be in changeroots, in an installer context, or in other situations where you don’t want the services started.

Source : Link , Question Author : Jim , Answer Author : Community

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