Kill the screen lock and restore X session in XFCE

I’m not big on graphical / windowed desktop environments and was using XFCE as a way to avoid clutter / having to deal with a lot of settings, but recently I ran into a problem: the lock screen program seems to have corrupted / incorrect credentials for my user. As a result, whenever my screen locks, I have to restart the X session.

Just so you don’t think I’m trying to break into someone else’s computer: I have complete access to this computer anyways, it normally boots in multi-user mode. So, I can just Ctrl+Alt+F# and log into a new session. The biggest inconvenience about X session not unlocking is that I have to restore the browser tabs…

Is there any way I can tell XFCE to unlock the screen, not providing username / password?


Source : Link , Question Author : wvxvw , Answer Author : Community

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