How to change tcp’s window size?

I’ve tried changing the tcp’s window size by modifying net.ipv4.tcp_wmem and net.ipv4.tcp_rmem values, however the changes which I make have no effect on actual window size which I can check using a wireshark.

I tried to do that on 2 different kernels (3.2.69 and 2.6.38) with no effect at all.

I’ve even tried to change the min/default numbers to an absurd level and disable window_scaling but still no effect – window size remains exactly the same. What do I do wrong?

— EDIT —
I’ve updated the kernel to 3.14.57 and the TCP’s window size doubled without doing any other change. It looks like this value is controlled somewhere else and kernel actually ignores net.ipv4.tcp_wmem / net.ipv4.tcp_rmem values.


Source : Link , Question Author : rfire , Answer Author : Community

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