How much is too much (processes, threads) [closed]

I wonder if I have too much processes and if systemd is getting overloaded. When I run ps aux | wc -l O get “840” If I run ps -e H | wc -l I have around 5k (5128 to be exact), substracting the process count, this makes around 4288 threads. Is this too much for ubuntu and how can I know if systemd is overloaded for example?
On this server environment I have 48 cores and 128gb RAM.


“How many pieces I can fit to trunk of my car?” — pieces of what? 5k Lego pieces would probably fit, 5k cans of beverages probably not.

It’s not so much about the process/thread count, it’s more about how CPU/memory/disk/network intensive those are. Please be more detailed. 🙂 But for a relatively powerful server which you have that amount of mostly idle processes/threads is not a big deal. It’s a different story if they all actually attempt to do something.

Source : Link , Question Author : Кристиян Кацаров , Answer Author : Janne Pikkarainen

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