How can I start Fedora Directory Service with SELinux enabled?

I just did a fresh base install of fedora 12, and did a yum install 389-ds. I went through the included setup script ( and everything started fine and was working normally. I could access the directory server and login using the directory manager account created during the setup.

After a reboot I tried starting the dirsrv service using the following command:

[root@test-ds ~]# /etc/init.d/dirsrv-admin start
Starting dirsrv-admin:                                  [  OK  ]
[root@test-ds ~]# /etc/init.d/dirsrv start
Starting dirsrv: 
[26/Feb/2010:14:59:11 -0500] dse - The entry cn=config in file
/etc/dirsrv/slapd-test-ds/dse.ldif is invalid, error code 53
(DSA is unwilling to perform) - nsslapd-errorlog-mode: Failed to chmod
error log file to 600: errno 1 (Operation not permitted)

[26/Feb/2010:14:59:11 -0500] dse - Could not load config file [dse.ldif]
[26/Feb/2010:14:59:11 -0500] dse - Please edit the file to correct the
reported problems and then restart the server.
  *** Warning: 1 instance(s) failed to start

If I turn off SELinux with “setenforce 0”, it can start without any issue. There are no entries generated in /var/log/audit/audit.log like I’d normally see for an SELinux error but it’s infinitely repeatable turning SELinux on and off with setenforce.


This is a known bug.

Try updating your SELinux Policy to minimum 3.6.32-59.

Source : Link , Question Author : TrueDuality , Answer Author : Studer

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