FTP user without access to other folders

I’m a newbie with FTP/User permissions. I have a domain and a dedicated server.
Lets say my domain is www.mysite.com
All my files are inside httpd folder.

I’d like to create a folder for a new user inside httpd,
for example /newuser. The user should be able to access his files from browser www.mysite.com/newuser but this folder should be the root for him.

Ideally he can only upload files onto this folder, with no permission to view files outside this folder. Is this possible.
Thanks for your help.


There will be a ‘lock user to home folder’ option you can set to prevent the user from browsing outside of his home directory. You’ll just have to look where to enable that – usually when you setup a user account.

Source : Link , Question Author : Panos Kal. , Answer Author : kafka

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