Creating gid/uid for your custom created daemon?

Assume you have created a daemon (custom written) and want to create new uid/gid for this program.

Are there any standard practices?


  1. Should the uid and gid be the same?
  2. Should the id start from 1000?

or any?

The reason I ask is currently I am using dynamically allocated, but when I have more than one machine, seems it is a good choice to use a fixed numbers?

Update: I am using Ubuntu


  • UIDs below 100 are typically reserved for system accounts and services.
  • UID between 100 and 1000 are typically reserved for applications such as Oracle, Apache, etc.
  • Typically user accounts start at 1000 or even higher. Given the number of UIDs available on most Unix systems (65,535 if not more than that), the likelihood of running out of UIDs is almost non-existent. On 64 bit system UID are stored in at least 32 bit fields and that means that maximum value is much higher.

Some distributions like RHEL recommend to set user private group (upg), which should have the same gid as the uid of the user.

There are some good guides here:

Source : Link , Question Author : Ryan , Answer Author : fireto

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