Configure a hotkey for switching viewports in Compiz?

In gconf-editor I can set hotkeys for switching to a specific workspace/viewport when using metacity. I’d like this functionality too for compiz, bit did not find it so far.
What I want is: Super-F1 switches to workspace/viewport 1, Super-F2 to workspace/viewport 2 etc.

How can I do this? (BTW: I am using ccsm with gconf-backend)


The keybindings set in /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/switch_to_workspace_X with gconf-editor should continue to/also work with Compiz. You can also use CompizConfig Settings Manager to set them. Just select Viewport Switcher from the Desktop area, and switch to the Go to specific viewport tab.

(I actually set one with CCSM to verify that it still used the bindings in /apps/metacity/.)

Source : Link , Question Author : mawimawi , Answer Author : Patches

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