Compiz – don’t raise window on click (while hold)

it seems that Compiz support forum is used for spam, and as I noticed similar questions answered here, I though it’d be best for me to ask here

I’m on Ubuntu 11.04 and window manager uses Compiz

While on Windows I got used to this feature which I’ll try to explain:

Imagine simple drag&drop operation – I have Explorer maximized and I open Notepad on top of it. Now, if I click and hold mouse button on a file in Explorer, Notepad loses focus but it’s still visible – Explorer window isn’t raised over it, so I can finish my drag&drop operation. That’s not happening on Linux, and I want to make it somehow.

In CompizGeneral options‘ there are similar settings, but nothing can bring me this feature back. Sourced from Internet it seems also that Openbox window manager allows this feature while pressing Super/Win keyboard button.

So I want to know if this is somehow possible with Compiz or alternatively Metacity

(I know that I can hover over taskbar window selector, then raise application and drop)


There are many options:

  • You can set Notepad (or whatever you’re using) to be always on top,
  • You can set Explorer (or whatever you’re using) to be always on bottom,
  • Don’t fullscreen windows, so there’s always a part of it visible, and just drag to that part.

Source : Link , Question Author : Community , Answer Author : lenooh

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