Change shorcut for console switch

I need to change the shortcut set by default on my Debian 6.0 (server) for tty switch.

By defautl it is ALT + Fx, but i just want to switch to Fx.

I guess it involves modification of Xorg, but i can’t get which file to modify. I didn’t find any other topics on the subject, but maybe my keywords were wrong.

Anyway, thanks for reading, hope someone may help me !


In order to change the action of the function keys, you’ll need to create and load a custom keymap. You’ll wamt to take a look at the loadkeys(1) command. There are some good examples here: which I found easy to follow. For more in-depth information, take a look at the keyboard and console HOWTO:

Source : Link , Question Author : Cédric COPY , Answer Author : Paul Lathrop

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