Fetching details using awk in zenity list

I am using youtube-dl to fetch videos and its format. this is my code youtube-dl -F https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvr1xiEaICU |awk ‘NR > 5 { print}’ | zenity –list –column “youtube” And this is the result in listbox 249 webm audio only DASH audio , opus @ 50k 250 webm audio only DASH audio , opus @ 70k … Read more

windows batch complex -o parameter for youtube-dl – how to properly format?

The goal is a batch file which calls youtube-dl to save files to folders with this naming convention: chapter number[space]chapter name\playlist index[space]title.ext This attempt at passing an argument to windows youtube-dl fails: -o “%(chapter_number)s %(chapter)s\%(playlist_index)s %(title)s.%(ext)s” Windows has a less-than-proper method of parsing the command line (see: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/twistylittlepassagesallalike/2011/04/23/everyone-quotes-command-line-arguments-the-wrong-way/ ) I’ve tried replacing the space characters … Read more

ffmpeg Fails to download segment

When I download a m3u8 video file with ffmpeg I’m getting this error “Failed to open segment 791 of playlist 0” on some segments. Ffmpeg skips segment 791.How can make ffmpeg not skip the segment. The segments that the error occurred are missing in the full downloaded video. example if the video full video is … Read more

Recommended settings to convert Opus to AAC

I am downloading some music from Youtube, and it seems that in most cases (popular videos), the best quality audio is an opus file. I know that (1) Opus is the newest and more efficient codec, and (2) converting from one lossy codec to another is not recommended. However, as I want to use the … Read more

How To Download Youtube Videos With Two Or More Subtitles Youtube-DL [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: youtube-dl – download video from YouTube with subtitles – Tutorial (2 answers) Closed 8 months ago. I was wondering is there a way to download a Youtube videos with 2 or more Subtitles using Youtube-DL and ignore auto-generated subtitles? Answer TL;DR Is there a way to download a Youtube … Read more

What does the “[ffmpeg] tls: Failed to send close message” error mean (mpv)?

I often stream video or audio in mpv (requires youtube-dl, FFmpeg is installed) and the [ffmpeg] tls: Failed to send close message error is always displayed in shell (PowerShell) when I quit the application. What implications does this error have and is it even directly related to to mpv? Windows 10 64-bit, mpv 0.29.1 Answer … Read more

Rename file and encapsulte last X number of charactors, before the extension, in square brackets

I’ve been using youtube-dl to download an entire youtuber’s channel for archival purposes. I had been using the default naming pattern for naming the videos which uses the video’s title, then a hyphen, the 11 character video id and finally, the file’s extension. e.g. title of the video – (an example)-oHg5SJYRHA0.mp4 For future downloads, I’ve … Read more