Youtube videos do not play in Ubuntu 14.04LTS [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: How do I install Adobe Flash player? (20 answers) Closed 7 years ago. Youtube videos do not play. Instead, the following messages appear: “This plugin is vulnerable and should be updated”, “Activate Adobe Flash”, “Check for updates.” Since my version is 14.04LTS, the Adobe Flash Player cannot be installed. … Read more

How do I download videos off youtube that won’t download with downloadhelper?

Some videos on youtube wont download with the downloadhelper add-on I’d like to know a downloader in the add-ons that is able to grab ALL youtube videos preferably not one that needs to be installed with terminal I tried to install clipgrabber unsuccessfully so something with less hassle would be nice Answer Why not a … Read more

What is the best app for search and play youtube videos? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post. Closed 6 years ago. Improve this question I google it for an app that will search&play youtube videos. The ones that I found … Read more

manifest file used by Youtube for DASH

Streaming media files over Youtube uses Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH). Client side receives a manifest file, from which it chooses what type of video quality will it receive, depending on the throughput the client has. I ran some youtube video, opened Network tab to see the manifest file that determines video quality(to see … Read more

Why does playing a html5 video result in high cpu usage by

When I play a HTML5 video on youtube (both and a right click on the video show that HTML5 is used) with chromium the cpu usage goes to 100% on all cores caused by Is youtube just pretending to be using HTML5 and actually uses flash or is there something else going on … Read more

Youtube/facebook videos randomly get glitchy and pixelated in the start or in the middle of a video

It either happens in the middle of a video, like you seen in the picture here: or in the few first seconds of a video. As you can see from the picture (and you can try to open my example yourself), it’s not the problem from the video. My uneducated guess is there is a … Read more

Display issue NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 on HDMI – blue tint on some 1080p web videos/video files/games/etc

I’ve been using my PC connected to my 50″ TV for the past couple of months and an odd seemingly random issue started happening (which did not happen until then, while it was connected to a VGA monitor with a DVI-to-VGA adapter). Sometimes, when playing certain youtube videos, the tv would turn black for half … Read more

Is Firefox using frame interpolation now?

Until recently I have only seen motion interpolation in Chrome. However, since 50.1 it seems some YouTube videos are frame interpolated. Is this a Firefox feature, or is Flash/YouTube doing frame interpolation on Firefox? Answer YouTube has a new 720p60 resolution that is apparently a true 60 FPS data stream, so it is not interpolated. … Read more

How to share controls while watching YouTube videos on Skype

Using two Windows machines is it possible somehow to share the control of a YouTube video while it’s playing? If I’d like to share video I could just send the link, however sender and receiver wouldn’t control together the video. What I’d like to do is basically to be able to send a YouTube link … Read more