Problem opening XWindows programs with xming and SSH Secure Shell

I’ve installed SSH Secure Shell and xming on my laptop running Windows 7 (64-bit). I’m having trouble starting X Windows applications from the SSH console. I’ve been able to do it in the past. I’ve pretty much determined that it’s not a server issue because I’ve tried it on two different servers (both servers are … Read more

Using X11 apps on VPS server, feasible in terms of resources? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question I wanted to run an idea by the experts here. I have a VPS (Debian 7.7, 1GB RAM), which is purely a web … Read more

Using xhost, display and startx – confused

I have a client A ( accessing Server B ( (RHEL6) to run a installer. The installation pre-requisite is to set the xhost and DISPLAY properly. Q1) Please correct me if I am wrong for the following Xserver should be running in clientA DISPLAY should be set in Server B DISPLAY should be set to … Read more

Why cron job is not able to open X display connection [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question I have a java app rendering some sprites using LWJGL and OpenGL. It works fine until I move it to remote virtual machine … Read more

Weak points of ssh tunnel and x11 server, hack investigation

So, today I’ve been hacked. It’s very puzzling to me how it was done, so I’m looking for experienced people to show weak points in design of my systems. I have two servers. One is VPS with connection to internet (server1), second one is server inside private network (server2), connected to the first one via … Read more

over ssh, After some minutes Gtk-WARNING

I connect to a server over ssh with ssh -CX server ok, And I launch remote graphical apps, ok. But after some minutes I get Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display And I have to reset the ssh connection. Added some outputs $ echo $DISPLAY; echo $XAUTHORITY localhost:11.0 $ xauth list machine/unix:12 machine/unix:10 machine/unix:11 Answer I … Read more