Why does a wired network slow down with user increase?

If you had a wired network, 20 PCs hooked up to a 100 Mbit/sec switch (same onboard ethernet port speed) and you were just sending some test data round. What is the technical explanation as to why 20 machines sending test data around this network to each other is slower than one to one? I … Read more

TWO routers/modems, ONE network. Wireless Device DHCP [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question My company’s network contains various LAN workstations and Servers, controlled by a Smoothwall firewall/gateway. Currently the Smoothwall routes outbound traffic automatically to an … Read more

Wired connection fails to upload files to Amazon EC2 instance

Here’s the situation. I have an EC2 Ubuntu instance (henceforth called the server) running a few websites. I have a home network of two computers: The desktop PC is connected to the router (via a wired connection). The laptop is connected wirelessly to the same router. Both computers run Windows 10. I’m trying to upload … Read more

What can make that a wired connection works with Linux or WIN7 but not with XP or Vista?

I’m setting up the network for a company, and facing a weird issue. The network is very simple: An xDSL modem/router, a switch, a bunch of windows clients (XP, vista, 7). The room is wired and provides RJ45 plugs in the walls, which are all converging to the switch, which is uplinked to the router. … Read more

wired to wireless to wired network

There’s a small network that’s in 1 building that we want to extend to another building about 75 feet away but running an Ethernet cable is not easily doable. I’d like to extend the network wirelessly but I don’t recall ever going from a wired, to a wireless, then back to a wired network as … Read more

Auto switching between wired and wireless connections

How about this situation. Our business deals a lot with medical information. And some of our clients have demands based off HIPPA, etc. There is one now where they do not want an employee to have both wired and wireless on at same time. If the wireless is on the wired needs to be turned … Read more

How to determine whether an internet connection is wired or wireless?

I work in the IT department for the residential housing area at my university (network operations is separate from ours). I’ve wondered how is it that when someone registers a MAC address on our device registration portal [to get wired internet access on campus], BluCat Address Manager is able to detect whether it is a … Read more