Where is the location of shares stored in Windows Server? (Switching iSCSI disk to VMDK)

I have a virtualized Windows Server 2008 with iSCSI volume attached (inside the guest). This disk servers as the main file server data disk with lots of shares, permissions, etc. I would like to “convert” the guest-attached iSCSI volume to a VMWare VMDK by disconnecting the iSCSI target from the Windows Server and reconnecting it … Read more

Qcow2 converted to vmdk show as spare and can’t be snapshot

As the title says, kvm disks that I converted and moved to ESXi are useless because I cannot use snapshots due to the fact that they are sparse disks. Does anyone have a resolution for this issue? esxi 5 free Answer Log onto ESXi server using SSH and convert with vmkfstools: vmkfstools -i mysparedisk.vmdk -d … Read more

Replacing failed drive on a ESXi host

I have a failing drive on my ESXi 4 host and I’m going to replace it. There is no fault tolerance (RAID), each drive on its own. I’m planning do offline dding old drive to new one but I’m not sure this will work. Will ESXi properly recognize the cloned new drive or will fail … Read more

Virtual disk expansion

I’m running a virtual image (which happens to be our server for a number of programs) on a machine running ESXi 5.5.0. Although the host computer has a SSD of about 200GB, the virtual image was initially given a 40GB virtual disk. Unfortunately, it is a “thick provision lazy zeroed” type disk, and cannot be … Read more

It is possible to replace a flat.vmdk file with a older backup version of the file?

We have an vmware (6.0) machine that uses vmdk-files. There are flat.vmdk and delta.vmdk files. The files are dated with 27.05.2021. As far as I know, the flat.vmdk are read only and did not get changed, the changes are written in the delta.vmdk files. Now we have the problem that the flat.vmdk file is corrupt. … Read more

Is it possible to export an OpenVZ machine and use it after in another virtualization tool?

I’m planning to use OpenVZ in an old machine I have at home. I want to know if a dumped OpenVZ instance image can be exported to other formats (like VirtualBox or Vmware). Thanks! Answer Not AFAIK but you should be able to use bare-metal tools like mondorescue.org or clonezilla.org to back up the VM … Read more