VB6 Application Permission Denied Error 70 for Active Directory Users

I’ve setup a small Active Directory users for about 25, In every individual machine they run an old VB6 Application but some how the domain users can’t run it, It raises an ‘Permission Denied: Error 70’ but it works fine for domain administrators. Is there anyway to solve this problem. Answer I’ve found that LUA … Read more

SQL Server does not exist or access denied but management studio connection works

I am trying to log on to SQLServer express 2008R2 on a Windows 2003 server using Sql server authentication over a VPN. The login and password work for Management Studio but not for the connection string in a VB6 program. The connection string is of format Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=databasename;Data Source=ComputerIP\SQLEXPRESS;UID=usr;PWD=mypassword where ComputerIP is the … Read more

How to register a DLL using PowerShell without RegAsm

I have an ASP Classic application which references some Visual Basic 6.0 COM objects. One of these Visual Basic 6.0 COM objects reference another third-party DLL. The third-party DLL needs to be registered on a Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 machine. I have found scripts to register the DLL in the GAC without GACUTIL using … Read more

VB6 application backup using SQL 2005 suddenly failing

We have a windows server 2003 R2 machine running MSSQL 2005, and our XP workstations all run a VB6 application which calls the SQL backup utility to backup a 700 Mb database. A couple of weeks ago all of the workstations stopped being able to do a backup, when we try to do one the … Read more

What are some techniques to monitor multiple instances of a piece of software?

It was recommended that I ask this question here by a member of StackOverflow. I have a piece of self-serve kiosk software that will be running at multiple sites. I’d like to monitor a small number of parameters remotely. The kiosk application itself is pretty much finished. I am now in the process of creating … Read more