Oracle Weblogic 10.3.5 Cluster creation issues

I’m trying to create a two node cluster with Oracle Weblogic 10.3.5. During the “Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard” setup process, I’m not sure what to put in for the “Cluster Address” if I choose “unicast” cluster messaging mode. Also the second node resides on another machine. How do I go about creating and adding the … Read more

NLB Traffic Stops on all nodes when a single node is rebooted

We had a 2 node NLB cluster running IIS websites on virtual machines. Both nodes were online, the balancer functioned exactly as expected, (if traffic is 50/50 balanced, and you stop or drainstop a node, all traffic routes seamlessles to the other node.) But when I rebooted a node, even if I stopped it prior … Read more

How should I configure properly my LAN to use IPv6 for communication on LAN and WAN?

I would like to use IPv6 on my LAN and would like to be able to go out to the WAN as well. My network is a classic IPv4 environment. It works well. My ISP provides Global Unicast IPv6 address on the WAN interface of my router (pfsense 2.5.2). I can ping google’s IPv6 address … Read more

could corosync can support unicast heartbeat mode?

could corosync can support unicast heartbeat mode? from another thread in serverfault, some guy raised below corosync conf: totem { version: 2 secauth: off interface { member { memberaddr: } member { memberaddr: } ringnumber: 0 bindnetaddr: mcastport: 694 } transport: udpu } is this conf type means unicast mode? thanks, Emre … Read more

KeepAliveD, Rackspace Cloud, Unicast – both LB’s enter MASTER state…?

I have set up two HAProxy Load Balancers in an Active->Passive pair. KeepAliveD will be used for failover between MASTER and BACKUP servers. Like most clouds, Multicast is not supported so I cannot use a Virtual IP. Instead I’m attempting to use Unicast which I’ve seen littered around the web as a solution. My problem … Read more

Keepalived: multicast vs unicast

I’m planning to deploy a several keepalived routers to maintain floating IPs for different database clusters. The plan is to deploy a separate VRRP instance on each cluster locally according to this guide so there will be only two VRRP routers/instances on each cluster. The keepalived package available from the CentOS 6x repository is 1.2.7 … Read more

MAC layer unicast flooding a switched network

The network in question: It is a fully switched network with no routing. There is no known RSPT problems. There are 10 small switches. Each small switch has many small industrial devices talking to each other within that small switch. There is 1 big switch that connects to all 10 small switches. The big switch … Read more

Corosync unicast issue with different nets

I’m using a setup (on our staging-system) with 2 root-servers and 1 fail-over-ip. As software we use corosync and pacemaker. Corosync is configured for multicast communication via port 5405. –> everything works fine. Now I want to deploy this system on 2 root-server with failover-ip. Well, multicast communication won’t work, because the root-servers are not … Read more