Can write to all smb shares except root of mounted USB drive

I have a USB drive mounted to /media/usbdrive on my Ubuntu 20.04 box. I can write files to any share except the root share. Meaning, I have these shares set up in smb.conf: [usb] path = /media/usbdrive valid users = @samba force user = shareuser writable = yes read only = no browseable = yes … Read more

MySQL 8.0.20 via SSH

DBeaver 7.1.0 on Windows 10 trying to connect to MySQL 8.0.20 on Ubuntu 20.04 using SSH. I also tried other Windows MySQL GUI clients, with the identical results, which leads me to believe the problem is with MySQL configuration (or maybe with my local Java installation?). The error message is: Communications link failure The last … Read more

NSS-LDAP not working over TLS: do_open: do_start_tls failed:stat=-1

I’m using NSS-LDAP for authentication. Without TLS, everything works fine. Once I enable TLS (StartTLS) with a self-signed certificate, which I have added to the client, NSS-LDAP won’t connect to the LDAP server. systemctl status nscd gives nss-ldap: do_open: do_start_tls failed:stat=-1 nss_ldap: could not search LDAP server – Server is unavailable I can connect to … Read more

502 Error from nginx server after setting up http2 and ssl

I am getting a 502 error from my nginx server. I used certbot to configure the ssl and am trying to get http2 enabled and somehow i broke the server. when I run sudo nginx -t it reads: nginx: [warn] conflicting server name “” on, ignored nginx: [warn] conflicting server name “” on, … Read more

nginx choosing wrong virtual host

(disclaimer: yes, I know there’s a ton of these questions, but I did search for about a half hour before posting this) I’m trying to setup zabbix to monitor nginx using ngx_http_stub_status_module by following this tutorial. this is on my dev server so the configuration files are simple… my main sites .conf file is… example.conf … Read more

Ubuntu 20.04 server unreachable from external world [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question i have an Ubuntu server where i can not access the server from external machines. I have tried to ssh to the Ubuntu … Read more

Certbot — Post-Handshake New Session Ticket arrived

At the start of the negociation, Secure Renegotiation IS NOT supported occurs. During the last Session Ticket (and perhaps the one before), it seems that the SSL connection succeeded. Could you let me know what is happening here? Should I worry about this, or can the negociation be ‘improved’ in any way? Also, why are … Read more

reverse proxy to redirect url to subdomain in nuxt.js

I am trying to redirect an URL from to help.example.come. I tried many ways for configuring nginx but When I’m requesting, for a moment content appears and then it redirect to home page with help.example.come url. I used nuxtjs v2.13.3 and nginx in my work. Here is my nginx conf: nuxtjs server block … Read more