Find the used hard disk data and solve disk pressure [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: Disk full, du tells different. How to further investigate? (18 answers) Closed 2 years ago. I have a server which is running Ubuntu 18.04 and it is also a worker node for K8s. Sometimes I see that K8s is killing pods on this machine because of disk presseur and … Read more

How do I expand the root’s volume size?

I have Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS running off a 16GB SanDisk USB pendrive in my server. From what I can remember, when I installed Ubuntu on there I had enabled LVM support. For some reason, when I ssh into my server, it says / is using 99.6% of 3.87GB, but doing sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdm … Read more

Adding second network interface to Ubuntu 18.04 on AWS EC2

The provided 18.04 AMI comes with one interface, and I am adding a second one with its own IP (for stuntman-server). However the instance is only responding to one elastic IP or the other, not both (for SSH and stuntman), while both private addresses do work. Setup with Amazon Linux was also flawless, so should … Read more

Load key “privkey.ppk” invalid format

What have I done: I’m trying to connect to my remote server with private key with ssh -i privkey.ppk root@ip But it’s returning an error. Error message: Load key “privkey.ppk”: invalid format root@ip: Permission denied (publickey). Expected result: I should be able to login into my remote server with ssh key. Key file content: PuTTY-User-Key-File-2: … Read more

Nginx defaults to /usr/share/nginx/html

This was a dev site. Pushed to live environment was working as of my backup this morning. System Ubuntu 18.04 Nginx PHP 7.2 MYSQL Was working on removing TLSv1 form Certificate path. Removed it and tested worked fine. Was working with a plugin to re-apply API so it would call back on the correct url. … Read more

Sudo directive in /etc/sudoers.d doesn’t work (but it’s fine if it’s in /etc/sudoers)

I wish to add a file to the /etc/sudoers.d folder that includes a directive to allow www-data to run one specific script with no root password. The directive is www-data ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /path/to/ If I visudo and add it to /etc/sudoers, there is no problem. If I put that line in a file and copy … Read more

Why does the command ‘apt install php’ try to install Apache?

I’m trying to install WordPress + LEMP on my Ubuntu 18.04. I have no interest in installing Apache. Why does the PHP installer assume I do? Answer According to this answer on AskUbuntu: How to install php without Apache webserver?: Ubuntu package details says php (php7.2) depends on libapache2-mod-php7.2 OR php7.2-fpm OR php7.2-cgi. It seems … Read more