JDBCRealm can’t find sqlite file

My authentication fails with java.sql.SQLException: no such table: credentials where credentials is the name of the user/password table. I have checked the db file and the table is there. I think you also get this error when sqlite jdbc can’t even find the file. I am specifying my realm in a META-INF/context.xml file. Is there … Read more

An SQLite/STDIN Conundrum, Specific to AIX

I’m been playing around with SQlite at work, specifically with trying to get the sqlite3 command line tool to accept stdin instead of a file. Sounds easy enough, on linux you can execute a command like: echo ‘test’ | sqlite3 test.db ‘.import /dev/stdin test’ unfortunately – our machines at work run AIX (5 & 6) … Read more

cron to merge xml into sqlite every two hours – lamp

I’m looking to auto pull an xml file from an offsite url and merge it into a sqlite db every two hours. The server is lamp. (If it is too difficult to do for sqlite, then merging the xml into a mysql table would also be fine.) xml: <entries> <entry> <name>John Smith</name> <age>20</age> <gender>male</gender> </entry> … Read more

Can’t listen to port 4445; sqlite3

So I have a dedicated machine running Ubuntu 12.04 server with FreePBX 2.9. Earlier I was attempting to familiarize myself with SQL via sqlite3, but I received this dreaded error: SQLite header and source version mismatch So I saw a possible fix was to remove sqlite3 from the system and re-install. I did, and I … Read more

Empty Asterisk 12 CDRs in SQLite3 database

Using: CentOS 6 Asterisk 12 cdr_sqlite3_custom.so cdr_sqlite3_custom.conf (deliberately simplified): [master] table=>cdr columns=>calldate, clid, test values=>’${CDR(start)}’,’${CDR(clid)}’,’test’ Resulting in database lacking CDR values: sqlite> select * from cdr; AcctId|calldate|clid|test 1|||test 2|||test 3|||test 4|||test IDs are incementing, test value is there, but it doesn’t want to grab CDR variables from values=>’${CDR(start)}’,’${CDR(clid)}’,’test’ Any ideas where the problem might be? … Read more

Database password error in Owncloud migrating from SQLite to MySQL/MariaDB

In a Fedora system, I need to convert the Owncloud’s SQLite database into a MySQL/MariaDB database I started installing MySQL: # systemctl enable mysqld # systemctl start mysqld $ mysql_secure_installation then $ mysql -u root -p CREATE USER ‘owncloud_user’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘12345’; CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS owncloud; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON owncloud.* TO ‘owncloud_user’@’localhost’ … Read more