Cannot install sound theme in 11.10

I found some tutorials in Google Search about installing new sound theme for Ubuntu, I made a copy sound theme (folder) into /usr/share/sounds. It was easy to copy with commands but I cannot choose new sound theme in System Settings → Sound. I’ve used gconf-editor to enter new sound theme manually in desktop → gnome … Read more

Where Does the Ubuntu “System Ready” Drum Roll Come From?

Was it sampled from a song? Was it created as original content for the operating system? Answer The sound is composed by Nathaniel McCallum, according to the copyright file included in its package. Most likely, it is original content. $ head -n 6 /usr/share/doc/ubuntu-sounds/copyright This is Ubuntu’s GNOME audio theme. Copyright (C) 2004 Canonical Ltd. … Read more

How do I switch to another sound theme?

I’d like to change default sound theme to ubuntustudio-sounds, but don’t understand how to do this. Answer Type this into a Terminal (Dash->Terminal) window: sudo apt-get install gconf-editor gconftool-2 -s /desktop/gnome/sound/theme_name “ubuntustudio” -t string sudo gconftool-2 -s /desktop/gnome/sound/theme_name “ubuntustudio” -t string Then reboot, and the ubuntustudio sound theme will be on! AttributionSource : Link , … Read more

Can system event sounds be assigned in Ubuntu 14.04, rather than the default system sounds?

I was wondering if there is a way to use custom system event sounds in Ubuntu 14.04? The only settings available in the System Settings → Sounds tab is the default theme. If so, must this be edited by hand, or is there an application that can access & modify the default system event sounds? … Read more

How can I disable the event sounds in Kubuntu?

I really don’t like the sounds which Kubuntu plays during startup, or during thinks like moving a file to Trash. How can I disable all such notification sounds? Answer Just go to Application and System Notifications in System Settings and select Player Settings tabs marking No audio output: AttributionSource : Link , Question Author : … Read more