Which smartphone OS would you choose for your users?

While we currently only use windows mobile smartphone, my boss seems less and less reluctant to try and choose a new kind of OS for our users corporate phones. For some reasons, we can’t use a Blackberry Enterprise Server, so i guess our only choice is between Iphone OS and Android (or Blackberry without BES … Read more

Smartphone email safety

My boss is confident that Blackberry phones are safe for company use (having it connect to the email server, etc.). He is less confident about iPhones. Regarding connecting to a corporate email server where security is a huge priority, is there anything different about the iPhone which would make it more of a risk. Answer … Read more

Smartphone emulation software

With the new Exchange boxes going in, I’d like to do some thorough testing on smartphone features, as well as being able to provide salesman-proof documentation (I’m a dreamer). We’ve got drastic smartphone-creep, and people have been allowed to expect connectivity on everything from iPhones to Q’s to Blackberries. (thanks, boss!) Rants aside, has anyone … Read more

Smartphone app to sound an alarm when a specific email is received

This may be borderline Server Fault, so I’m cool if it’s decided this question is migrated elsewhere. As a sysadmin, I am responsible for responding to any monitoring alerts which occur out of hours. I have a company issue BlackBerry, so if a monitoring alert is sent, I can be notified. This is great .. … Read more

how to disable remote wipe for Exchange 2010 ActiveSync?

When connecting android mobile devices to Exchange ActiveSync some require granting device administrator privileges which permit an exchange administrator to remotely wipe the phone. The warning messages are scaring some mobile users and turning them away from using Exchange ActiveSync altogether. How can I disable his functionality on Exchange Server 2010? [security breaches are not … Read more

Best smartphone for sysadmins?

Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions. I need a cell phone that will help me keep an eye on my servers and services when I am away from my computer/desk/workplace. Which smart phone would you … Read more

Laptop internet connection from SIM card’s wi-fi, instead of smartphone’s mobile hotspot wi-fi

When traveling, we usually connect our laptop to our smartphone’s wi-fi hotspot. In other words, the smartphone’s wi-fi subscription, on its SIM card, is projected for the laptop to use/piggyback. Is it possible instead to somehow make the laptop access the smartphone’s SIM card directly instead? In the same way that the laptop has an … Read more