CARP Virtual IP does not ping in virtualized environment

We have three physical machines with SmartOS on them in a LAN. Two of them, and are hypervisors with two pfSense-based virtualized gateways on them. These gateways have and addresses, respectively. There is a virtual IP shared between the gateways. Third SmartOS machine,, is a storage host. The following … Read more

Cannot set up blueimp jquery upload server for Node using SMF on SmartOS

I set up a node blueimp jquery file upload server on a Joyent cloud SmartOS SmartMachine (nodejs 13.1.0) instance. It works fine if I manually start it using the command ./node_modules/blueimp-file-upload-node/server.js. However, if start it using SMF, the server is able to reply to GET and delivering the pics, but cannot accept POST and breaks. … Read more

Setting quotas from a Linux client on a SmartOS (OpenSolaris) based ZFS server

I have a SmartOS (an OS based on OpenSolaris) server running a few virtual machines. One of the ZFS volumes is shared as an NFS volume and mounted on one of the VMs which is running Debian wheezy. The mount works fine through NFS v4. When I set quotas through the zfs userquota@user property, I … Read more

How can you fairly split CPU between multiple JVMs running on a single SmartOS server?

I currently run an app within Tomcat but want to deploy Play Framework on the same servers as well. For licensing reasons, this is cost efficient, but being able to use excess CPU usage on a beefier instance should be beneficial as well. If I’m running Tomcat and Play on the same (Joyent / SmartOS) … Read more

Exposing unexported filesystem mounted under ZFS volume as part of volumes NFS share

I have a ZFS Volume on my server I’m using as my network’s NAS (called data/nas & part of the ‘data’ raidz zpool) and I am exposing this volume to my LAN via NFS using the ZFS attribute setting: sharenfs. This works great and has been extremely simple to manage. I recently got an 8TB … Read more

On SmartOS how to tell if process was killed for OOM

A daemon process of mine gets killed almost immediately, as soon as it starts receiving requests. The application log has absolutely no error output, even when I try to run it in foreground. I have a suspicion that the OS might be killing it for OOM, because this VM instance has only 512 MB allocated. … Read more

How to increase the size of the /opt file system in the global zone of smartOS running in VMWare?

I downloaded joyent’s smartOS vmware image and got that running. Now I would like to increase the size of /opt because they were pretty stingy with it in the vm. In the vm’s settings, I expanded the disk to 35Gb. But I don’t know how to grow the zfs volume from inside smartos. If this … Read more