Ubuntu 14.04 on Amazon EC2- postfix segmentation fault

I have an EC2 instance using Ubuntu 14.04 which is where I want to send email from. I tested it by sending an email: echo “This is the body of the email” | mail -s “This is the subject line ” myemailid@gmail.com But it gave me an error: Segmentation fault (core dumped) I checked /var/log/syslog … Read more

I’m having problems restarting httpd server due to segfault in libapr

My httpd server has stopped working, within /var/log/messages I got the following error: May 10 08:08:30 linuxbox kernel: httpd[25353]: segfault at b7fb7991 ip 009ca63b sp bfec3d50 error 7 in libapr-0.so.0.9.12[9af000+1f000] Can anyone shed light on how to fix this, i’ve tried ghosting the drive, then removed apr and re-installed, but the error keeps coming up. … Read more

PHP5 module makes Apache 1.3 segfault

I am trying to get PHP4 and 5 to work with Apache 1.3. PHP4 is compiled as a module and currently works fine, although Apache does display the following warning upon starting: Loaded DSO libphp4.so uses plain Apache 1.3 API, this module might crash under EAPI! (please recompile it with -DEAPI) So I compiled PHP5 … Read more

Run Mod_Python with Mod_WSGI on Apache for Django — Segmentation fault (11)

Okay, so I have to use an existing server to run my Django web app on. The server is running Mac OS 10.6 Server. It comes with Python 2.3, 2.5, and 2.6 pre-installed. I have edited my http.conf file to include the following: # Force python to run in main interpreter WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL} # Need … Read more

Getting the segmentation fault error while running yum command

Getting the below error in /var/log/messages file while trying to run yum on centOS-5.5 64 bit server. kernel: yum[4467]: segfault at 0000000700001c4f rip 0000003747879a6a rsp 00007fffaf399cd8 error 4 and on CLI getting segmation fault error. Yum exits after giving that error. Thanks Ramesh Answer The depsolving algorithms in yum can use quite a bit of … Read more

PHP Causing Segmentation Fault & Apache Blank Response

I recently updated a Debian Lenny server to php 5.3,5 using the dotdeb source. Soon after doing so certain (but not all) sites on the server stopped responding to requests. A blank response would be returned – no headers, no content, nothing. I found this related question on stackoverflow which seems to describe something similar … Read more

rpc.mountd segfaults when trying to mount an nfs share

I have a pair of QNAP TS859U-RP nas devices running Linux version These boxes are based on Debian. They are experiencing the same failure. When I try to mount an nfs share as root as following: mount nasb:/content /mnt/nasb/blah/ It gives a timeout on the client: mount: mount to NFS server ‘nasb’ failed: timed … Read more

elgg installation on linux giving segmentation fault

i tried elgg on windows XP and it installed successfully but when i tried on fedora 12 it is not able to install. here is what happens i extracted the zip file for elgg in /var/www/html now when i use firefox to go to the url http://localhost/elgg- it asks me whether i want … Read more