why does my use of the saltstack apache-formula fail to set the ‘id’ variable

why does my use of the saltstack apache-formula fail to set the ‘id’ variable ? my code is as fallows ? apache: sites: changed.com: template_file: salt://salt/formulas/salt/apache-formula/apache/vhosts/standard.tmpl template_engine: jinja interface: ‘*’ port: ’80’ ServerName: {{ id }} ServerAdmin: webmaster@{{ id }} LogLevel: Debug ErrorLog: {{ logdir }}/{{ id }}-error.log WSGIScriptAlias: / /var/www/project2/django.wsgi the error message is … Read more

SaltStack minions require restart after replacing master

I’m using SaltStack to manage several servers on EC2, including both Linux and MS-Windows installations. The master server is deployable in its entirety (using cloud-init) and when I change the configuration of the master I just trash the old master and recreate it from scratch. The master keys are part of the persistent configuration, and … Read more

How can I specify an environment for salt’s top.sls file from Vagrant?

I want to use Vagrant to deploy a range of boxes with salt. I’ve looked through all the available Vagrant salt options available in salty-vagrant (now built in) and I can’t see any that would let me specify which “environment” to use, as referenced in salt.sls dev: ‘webserver*dev*’: – webserver ‘db*dev*’: – db qa: ‘webserver*qa*’: … Read more

Error when launching salt-master

I have this error when I execute salt-master: # salt-master [ERROR ] Failed to read the virtual function for module: apt Traceback (most recent call last): File “/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/salt/loader.py”, line 861, in gen_functions virtual File “/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/salt/utils/__init__.py”, line 1652, in warn_until salt_version=_version_.formatted_version RuntimeError: The warning triggered on filename ‘/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/salt/loader.py’, line number 861, is supposed to be shown … Read more

can’t get saltstack to work with influxdb module

please bear with me; new to salt. i just want to get influxdb deployed and configured automagically with saltstack. i have: $ cat /srv/salt/influx.sls influxdb: pkg.installed: – sources: – influxdb: salt://influx/influxdb-0.8.8-1.x86_64.rpm service.running: – require: – pkg: influxdb and doing a highstate works to get the thing installed. however, i’m completely at a loss of how … Read more

Salt order execution of states

I’m trying to create some nginx files but only after having deleted all the files of the /etc/nginx/sites-enabled before. I have this states: install_nginx: pkg.installed: – name: nginx restart_nginx: service: – name: nginx – running – watch: – file: /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*.conf clear_default_config: file.directory: – name: /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ – clean: True – require: – pkg: install_nginx {% for … Read more

Saltstack – Error – No Top file or external nodes data matches found

I’m trying to configure my Saltstack Architecture. I followed all the steps, but It seems not working and I’m not able to find the problem. /etc/salt/master file_roots: base: – /srv/salt dev: – /srv/salt/dev/states prod: – /srv/salt/prod/states adm: – /srv/salt/adm/states /srv/salt/top.sls base: ‘*’: – admins admins.sls is a state file in the /srv/salt directory. What’s wrong … Read more

EC2ResponseError: 401 Unauthorized using Saltstack boto_vpc module

I’m trying to create a vpc using Saltstack and boto_vpc module. This is my state: vpc_create: module.run: – name: boto_vpc.create – cidr_block: ‘’ – vpc_name: ‘myVpc’ – region: ‘us-east-1’ – key: ‘ADJJDNEJFJGNFKFKFKIW’ – keyid: ‘SJDJNFNEJUWLLLCLCLENNRBFLGSLSLKEMFUHE’ The keys that I’m using are correct but I got this error: [INFO ] Running state [boto_vpc.create] at time 14:25:35.839797 … Read more

SaltStack virt module and LVMs

This is just a quick question because I can’t find the answer in the documentation. Is it possible to use Logical Volumes with Salt Virt for disk profiles? Answer Actually, That’s a limitation for Salt Virt. You may manage logical volumes using Salt Linux_LVM AttributionSource : Link , Question Author : HTF , Answer Author … Read more