Restore built-in list styles gallery

I removed the list styles and can’t get them back. I have tried restoring the global template Normal.dotm, but it doesn’t work. Answer First, see the following two parallel articles that show the best way to use bullets and numbering in Word. How to create outline numbering in Word by Shauna Kelly, Word MVP How … Read more

Debian VMWare VM can’t use virtual network outbound after snapshot restore

This is a Debian VM on VMWare, static IP, Network was working fine before restore. Route looks OK (default gateway is correct) ‘default via dev ens224 proto static metric 100’ interface ens224 is UP and looks normal via ‘ip link’ We can ping localhost but we cannot ping or telnet to gateway (or … Read more

Does anyone know of a method to do a partial restore of many time machine incremental backups

I’m trying to extract just the pictures from every backup, there are about 40. The Macbook Pro that they were backed up from has a failed H/Drive & I’m having to try & copy them to another Macbook with only limited space available. Most of the other folders have already been copied to Google drive … Read more

How do I force Firefox to always show the “Restore Session” page after closing (but never attempt to automatically re-open all my tabs)?

Quite often I amass a huge number of tabs in Firefox so I kill the browser processes to recover RAM. To kill it I use taskkill /f /im firefox.exe. When I start Firefox again it automatically tries to re-open all of my tabs which I don’t want it to do — I want it to … Read more

Restore removed files that are on a remote server. Create a restorable image from mounted via sshfs folder

I have a remote server that I can connect to via ssh, I need to restore files from there to my computer (preferably with folder structure or just filenames), ext4magic says that I cant restore it because of same partition or something (when I ssh into it), so I need to restore it to my … Read more

New SSD and different OS

Last summer, my Lenovo AIO suddenly stopped working; more specifically, I was performing maintenance on it and the next restart gave an error 1962: No Operating System found. Fortunately, this is a well known error among Lenovo brand machines. Unfortunately, there is really no clear answer or consensus on what the solution is. For some … Read more