Script errors when run by launchd at startup, but not when run in Terminal

I’m attempting to create a RAM disk that loads the previous contents when the system starts up, and every six hours writes the contents to a disk image. Currently, when you run the script from the terminal (“sudo bash”) everything works fine. But when run from launchd during startup, it doesn’t work. Here’s the … Read more

Will any running process be killed if I free the swap memory from my Ubuntu server?

The question (title of this question) came into my thought for the below reason. If anyone gives a solution of that reason then I don’t need to free the swap memory. The Reason: After installation of Jenkins it is running well. But using some minutes (or hour) it was automatically stopped. When I restart the … Read more

How do you create a linux (RHEL) bootdisk that runs busybox in a ramdisk (initrd)?

I’ve been trying to create a bootdisk (something like a live-cd) which loads into memory-only without mounting the disk. My steps are listed below, but when I boot using the cd, I get: Kernel Panic – not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (9,1) Here’s what I am doing to create the … Read more

Is there a way I can benchmark tmpfs

I created a tmpfs which was mounted at /ramdisk using the mount command.And I tried to benchmark this tmpfs using something like this: hdparm -tT /ramdisk And I was told that /ramdisk is a directory.But apparently there isn’t a corresponding device file under the /dev directory for the tmpfs I created. So is there a … Read more

Getting the ramdisk id of an amazon elastic cloud storage?

I ran ec2-describe-instances, on which i got the output as INSTANCE i-14305121 ami-bf1d8a8f running internshipkey 0 t1.micro 2013-05-29T06:03:25+0000 us-west-2c aki-fc37bacc monitoring-disabled ebs paravirtual xen pqhmg1369807405200 sg-dbd193eb default false with the ramdisk id as empty? How do I get my ramdisk id? I need it to make an AMI from an existing … Read more

Is it possible to place the system temp directory in a RAM disk?

The problem is that the system temp directory is required when machine installs updates first thing after a restart. My RAM disk, however, starts through HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVerison\Run, which is probably read later in the process. My question is this – is there a way to redirect the system temp directory to a RAM disk in a … Read more