Owncloud Client for Linux automatic login

I have a server with an Owncloud installation, and I have some scripts that import photos from my SLR camera, scales them, lowers the quality and puts them into the Owncloud directory which then gets synced to the server, and then I have access to the photos on my smartphone. The “issue” I have is … Read more

After unclean shutdown, ownCloud keeps responding with HTTP Error 500

My Raspbian-based ownCloud server suffered a power outage the other day. Since then I haven’t been able to use ownCloud: in the browser I just get a blank page that doesn’t seem to finish loading, DAVdroid and the desktop sync client complain about getting an HTTP Error 500 (Internal server error). I can’t even get … Read more

Remove owncloud server from raspbian

Linux noob here so please be gentle. I followed a tutorial to install owncloud on my raspberry pi with an external hdd. Apparently owncloud doesn’t play well with external hdd’s so I tried to switch the data directory to /var/www/html/owncloud/data. This didn’t work either. I’ve been messing around with files and at this point I … Read more

self-hosted Owncloud slow when accessing server using external IP/domain name whilst still on home network

I’m running a OwnCloud instance using Docker on a server running on my home network. When I access this server using its internal IP (using NAT) its fast (as you would expect). However, if I try to access it using my external IP whilst still on my home network, its REALLY slow, using at least … Read more

ownCloud migration failed with upgrade from to 10.1.0

After migrating ownCloud to another server, I am attempting to run an update. When running occ upgrade, the the upgrade ends with the following error message: 2019-04-29T22:23:22+00:00 Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\SchemaException: The table with name ‘owncloud.oc_persistent_locks’ already exists. 2019-04-29T22:23:22+00:00 Update failed Any tips on the issue? Answer There are pending issues in OwnCloud with using shared hosters and … Read more

How to determine which application is syncing my desktop folder or remove the sync status?

So, I have a really weird problem: I recently installed OneDrive for Business on my pc and I tried to sync the desktop and documents folder. OneDrive prompted me an error saying that another program was syncing those folders so it was impossible to proceed with the operation. I was using Owncloud to sync those … Read more