Udisks2 rule to ignore BTRFS-in-LUKS array member disks

On Ubuntu 20.04 PC’s with a btrfs (in crypto / LUKS) raid-1 disk array, file managers (nautiuls, thunar, etc) show duplicate entries for the [logically] same disk, and repeatedly mount duplicate /media/User/DiskLabel-N. Request: I’d like to prevent user clicks in the file manager from mounting multiple copies of the array; they pollute the UI, as … Read more

Problems with icons, themes, nautilus on VNCServer after upgrade from Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04

Problem: After upgrading one of my VMs from Ubuntu 16.04 to Ubuntu 18.04, I’m having various GUI problems on VNC server. Note: I was able to upgrade another VM, which is a 1 year old clone of this very same machine, without any issues. ubuntu-mono-dark icons don’t work. Pixbuff loaders cache fails with the error: … Read more

Rename files for web

Do you know any smart script to rename files for web format? (replace all non ASCII characters, spaces, transliterate unicode chars, change case etc.) eg. my ójf ćżpd – ąąv – hźóż HŹŃÓKŁFU.jpg to my_ojf_czpd-aav_-_hzoz_HZNOKLFU.jpg I’ve been playing with rename command, but there is always some new character which my regex does not support. I’m … Read more

Access remote server with Nautilus through double SSH tunnel

I’m trying to access my work computer from home. We are supposed to SSH into a server, say ssh.company.com and from there ssh into an xhost to to work, say xhost04.company.com. xhost04 is not directly accessible. How can I browse files on xhost04 from my home computer using nautilus (in ubuntu). To access the SSH … Read more

Access remote server with Nautilus through double SSH tunnel using SSHFS

I’m trying to access my work computer from home. We are supposed to SSH into a server, say ssh.company.com and from there ssh into an xhost to to work, say xhost04.company.com. xhost04 is not directly accessible. How can I browse files on xhost04 from my home computer using nautilus (in ubuntu) with SSHFS. To access … Read more

File types in Nautilus – how to distinguish between different file types? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question Under file Type column in Nautilus, I get file categories like Image, Document, etc. I need … Read more

Restart Nautilus-Instaling Dropbox

I’m new with Ubuntu so I hope you can help me. I installed Dropbox using the terminal. Now when I open dropbox to try to log in this message apears: restart nautilus I do it but nothing happens. I tried this but nothing changed: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3-staging sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nautilus sudo … Read more