Is there any way to play these videos in Linux?

I haven’t been able to play videos from here. I tried Moonlight, but it doesn’t show an image, just sound, and sometimes some part of the image, but mostly a black canvass. Thanks. Answer Yes, you can extract the url from the HTML-source and use mplayer: $ mplayer -ao pulse mms:// The playback (audio/video) works … Read more

How can I install pipelight-multi on Ubuntu 17.04 to steam Silverlight videos?

I have tried the following in order to install pipelight-multi so I can watch videos powered by Microsoft Silverlight (e.g HBO Now): sudo apt-get install wine-staging sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pipelight/stable sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install –install-recommends pipelight-multi However, I get the following error: Reading package lists… Done Building dependency tree Reading state information… Done Package … Read more

Can I use Silverlight in Firefox?

I know that we can use moonlight to play silverlight content on website. However, I know that moonlight can install on latest firefox. However it does not reliably work actually after i follow their procedure to install it again. Moonlight extension not working with new Firefox versions Does anyone able to play silverlight content in … Read more

Moonlight is not compatiable with firefox 12?

How I can uninstall and reinstall moonlight? Answer If your browser reports that “moonlight” is “disabled” due to incompatibility, then here is what you need to do: Make a backup copy of .mozilla (/home/your_user_name/.mozilla) before proceeding. This will preserve important bookmarks and other things you might want to consider later. Now delete the .mozilla folder … Read more

High cpu load in Chrome with Moonlight plugin on Ubuntu

I am using Lubuntu 12.04 64bit, stable Chrome and Moonlight plugin. The problem is when I try to load this page: – It is online radio player for Silverlight. It is probably poorly written, because when the tab with player is focused, CPU load is around 30%. When I focus another tab, CPU load … Read more

original silverlight in ubuntu? (moonlight not accepted from italian website)

I know about moonlight but it doesn’t work on an italian web site I need: I’m running chromium browser on ubuntu 11.10, Novell Moonlight – Version: I cannot see a way to solve this problem other that reboot on windows 7, if anybody can help. I wonder if there’s a way to install … Read more

Netflix on 11.10 [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: Closed 9 years ago. Possible Duplicate: Is there a way to stream Netflix? Has anybody found a workaround to watch Netflix on Ubuntu other than running Windows XP through VirtualBox? At this point my girlfriends fascination with Netflix is the only reason I still use windows for anything. Netflix … Read more

Xfinity video not playing

When I try to watch Xfinity/Comcast videos, the actual video does not load. I have installed Flash, then installed Pipelight and enabled Silverlight, Flash, Shockwave, and Unity3d. Other Silverlight and Flash video sources work just fine, including Youtube, Amazon, and Netflix. I get the commercial, then the player usually loads up (sometimes there’s a hang … Read more