Tell me the pros and cons of using WebDAV over SSL for file server access instead of SMB

In the organisation I’m in we have a mixture of OS X and windows XP. For years the Macs have also connected via SMB to the fileserver, however it’s always been a bit flaky. On OS X it’s prone to dropouts, and since we’ve upgraded our main server from SBS Server 2003 to Server 2008, … Read more

Windows 7, HTTPS WebDav: Asks for password twice and fails. Any workarounds?

I have a Dav server running with PHP SabreDav ( on Cherokee at an HTTPS secured URL. It’s set to use https, and uses Digest Authentication. I can log in with multiple browsers and a few third party clients (BitKinex and Java AnyClient can connect and browse as well, caveats below). However, when attempting to … Read more

Networked filesystem with user level security for linux

I want to enable file sharing between servers and clients, both linux. I don’t want to rely on machine trust like in NFSv4 because client users will have root privileges. What are my options besides SMB (SAMBA)? Does OpenAFS support user level authentication & access? Using mounted WebDAV/ftp/sshfs seems silly for LAN. Answer I am … Read more

Could not open the lock database – Apache WebDAV setup

I configured a WebDAV server using Apache. Here is my configuration: DAVLockDB /var/www/DAVLock.db <Location /majid> AllowOverride None Options +Indexes DAV On AuthUserFile /var/www/users.db AuthName Authentication AuthType Basic <Limit GET PUT DELETE PROPFIND PROPPATCH MKCOL COPY MOVE LOCK UNLOCK> Require user majid </Limit> </Location> Alias /majid /var/www/dav/majid /var/www/DAVLock.db is owned by apache user and group. I … Read more