How to Compile Mod_Python 3.3.1 for Python 2.6 and Apache 2.2 on Windows? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 6 years ago. Improve this question I have no experience compiling code, other than using Visual Studio’s Build command. I am hoping we can create a step-by-step guide for … Read more

Run Mod_Python with Mod_WSGI on Apache for Django — Segmentation fault (11)

Okay, so I have to use an existing server to run my Django web app on. The server is running Mac OS 10.6 Server. It comes with Python 2.3, 2.5, and 2.6 pre-installed. I have edited my http.conf file to include the following: # Force python to run in main interpreter WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL} # Need … Read more

Have problems installing mod_python

I seem to have some problems installing mod_python with apache. ./configure –prefix=/usr/local/apache2 make make install /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl start On the final line, I seem to get this error. (13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address no listening sockets available, shutting down Unable to open logs Actually there are two errors. I think we could … Read more

Multiple virtual hosts support for apache with scgi quixote backend for some host

I’m trying to add a domain with quixote as its backend. I searched google and found that there are servaral choices to glue quixote and apache together. I chose scgi because it seems like the choice with the best performace. So, I installed mod_python and scgi_apache, but got stuck with the config. I found a … Read more

apache file permissions using mod_python

I’m running apache with mod_python, and I’m having trouble reading files from a specific directory. Previously the directory had 0777 permissions but I’ve decided to change it to 0770 (not quite happy with having other RW access). So I changed the permissions of the directory and changed its group to “apache” since another user writes … Read more

freeradius rlm_python tagged attributes

I’ve created python auth module. When trying to perform testing with radtest reply is: User-Password = “testing123” NAS-IP-Address = NAS-Port = 0 Message-Authenticator = 0x00 Cleartext-Password = “testing123” Received Access-Accept Id 188 from to length 48 ERX-Service-Activate:0 = “srs-local-ipoe” As you can see the ERX-Service-Activate has only one zero tagged attribute. But … Read more

Django setting environment variable globally

I’m having a problem setting up Django on our CentOS server using mod_python. Site ‘A’ is running PHP (Codeigniter) and site ‘B’ is running Django. Our Django site is running perfectly. However, every once in a while (maybe 1 or 2 requests in 10), site ‘A’ is giving a 404 error. With further investigation, I’ve … Read more

segfault with mod_wsgi / mod_python after Python upgrade on Gentoo

I’m having a problem after upgrading from Python 2.5 to 2.6 I’m using Gentoo and running a Django app with Apache 2 and mod_python. After the upgrade I started getting a segfault when I try to access the site, Apache starts fine and can serve static pages. I’ve tried moving the site to mod_wsgi and … Read more