Can a pool of memcache daemons be used to share sessions more efficiently?

We are moving from a 1 webserver setup to a two webserver setup and I need to start sharing PHP sessions between the two load balanced machines. We already have memcached installed (and started) and so I was pleasantly surprized that I could accomplish sharing sessions between the new servers by changing only 3 lines … Read more

What does “ dead but subsys locked” mean?

I’m trying to run memcached on a centos box and it runs for a while, but then ends up in this state: memcached dead but subsys locked netstat shows this: tcp 0 0 :::11211 :::* LISTEN udp 0 0* ps shows this: nobody 21983 0.0 1.8 60272 19912 ? Ssl 16:46 0:00 memcached … Read more

Which PHP (opcode) cache one should use and why?

I keep hearing about some PHP (opcode) caches like – APC, XCache, Memcache, eAccelerator, etc. But I couldn’t ever figure out how to go about choosing one. Apart from performance benefit, which a caching system is supposed to deliver, which other factors should be a point of concern. Like why you will say X cache … Read more

how to restart/clear memcache without restarting the whole web server?

/opt/eduserver/eduserver gives me options: Usage: /opt/eduserver/eduserver {start|stop|startphp|startwww|startooo|stopphp|stopwww|stopooo|restartphp|restartwww|restartooo|status|restart|reload|force-reload} where memcache is php module there is memcache.ini in /opt/eduserver/etc/php/conf.d. I want to clear the memcache from command line. Can I do it somehow without ‘touching’ any other part of the web server? Answer yes. you can clear the memcache. try: telnet localhost 11211 flush_all quit if the … Read more

memcache vs memcached?

I want to use memcached I have installed it through yum install memcached But now I need to connect to PHP, and there is an extension named memcache and one named memcached? ARGH Could someone point me in the right direction here.. which one is going to work? Also, do I need … Read more