Troubleshooting with php7 and memcached

I want to install memcached with php7, so I downloaded the actual php7.0-memcached package from the dotdeb repository. But it doesn’t work: I get following error in the nginx error files when I want to use memcached with my CMS: recv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while reading response header from upstream==> 502 Answer … Read more

Configuring LAMP Environment in Linux Mint 8 using XAMPP- installing Memcache

Okies, I have successfully installed the XAMPP and added virtual hosts and am able to make database calls and stuff. The problem I am facing is while trying to enable the memcache module. Currently trying to configure using these links. h??p:// h??p:// The problem I am facing is while starting the phpize from /opt/lampp/bin/phpize … Read more

Multi-Application Server Environment and Memcached Security

We are looking to integrate Memcached into our infrastructure, but have a security concern before we do. We run several platforms including ASP.NET and Coldfusion and have many app developers working many little applications across the different platforms. The concern is this: App A places item “dog” into cache. App B reads item “dog” (or … Read more

Memcached server won’t connect

I’m rather new to Unix and am trying to set up a memcached server on Rackspace Cloud Servers with CentOS 5.4. I’ve been following the guide below. I think I have everything set up, but it looks like im missing something. When I run “top” the memcached process is there. But when I try … Read more

Can Memcached limit “write per second” and “read per second” on MySQL?

I need to reduce the value of “write per second” and “read per second” on MySQL (this is for statistics: total views of post). Can Memcached doing this job? Thanks Answer Memcache cannot control traffic. What you can do is MySQL cluster with load balancer. Memcache is accelerator for MySQL with key-value store AttributionSource : … Read more

memcached memory usage difference on 32- and 64-bit

We have a bunch of boxes running memcached. Some are 32-bit and some are 64-bit, but all run a 32-bit install of RHEL due to various Perl-related things. We’ll call them type A and B respectively. Both types run memcached 1.2.8 with the same amount of memory allocated via the -m switch. Every memcached instance … Read more

memcached installation on LAMP issue

When trying to use memcached in my php script, i get class not found. I am running LAMP on Ubuntu 9.01 and have so far taken the following few steps: apt-get install memcached pecl install Memcache apache2ctl restart I see the memcache extension when viewing phpinfo, but no memcached?! Is there anything else that i … Read more

After installing memcached, unable to locate

I’ve installed memcached on my ubuntu server (8.04), but after apt-get install memcached and successfully installing it, it does not appear in php.ini. I have tested memcached by doing telnet 11211 and executing commands such as STATS; success. I have placed in my .ini file. However, i have searched the computer using find … Read more