How do I figure out the nameservers Avahi is using?

Avahi now runs in Ubuntu to serve as a nameserver on How do I figure out which nameserver(s) Avahi auto-discovered to use? Answer Seems that this is ultimately still coming from Network Manager. I was able to find my eth0 device with: # nmcli con show NAME UUID TYPE DEVICE Wired connection 1 eaa034b4-c9a6-3469-9c20-d0922e777d6b … Read more

how to get a connection between Windows and Linux without an existing DHCP server

Scenario: In general a ubuntu machine (called server) runs in a network and gets an IP from it. Due to testing, sometimes a windows machine (client) is physical connected to the ubuntu machine exclusively. (Because the server is mounted on a car trailer and there is sometimes no existing network availible.) It should run without … Read more

Centos 7 Avahi doesn’t resolve from windows machines

I have installed and configured avahi-daemon and samba on Centos 6.6 and it’s working when I am testing it from an Ubuntu machine. e.g.: ping myhostname.local or smb://myhostname.local However, when I try from a windows machine, neither samba works nor I can ping it via ping myhostname Can anyone please explain me the possible difference … Read more

Chromecast mDNS burst slowing down PCs

Starting a few weeks ago, at seemingly random intervals, 3 of 5 PCs will lag at the same time for a few seconds to the extent where mouse and keyboard input is delayed and VoIP calls are dropped. After ruling out a few potential root causes, I suspected that something on the network was causing … Read more

Add sender to my exchange out of office mails which are sent via postfix with an empty sender

Out of office mails works internally but externaly the logs says : – it goes out of Exchange 2010 to go to Postfix (without any sender), – Postfix sends it out to the sender without any sender – the destinator bounces it back with the error ” status=bounced (host[] said: 550 Requested action not … Read more

avahi stops working in

I have another machine on my network running avahi-daemon with the default configuration and it’s been working fine since the first boot. On a newer machine, avahi-daemon works only if i set systemctl set-default With the machine boots, avahi starts and then gets a SIGTERM. This is from journalctl | grep avahi: avahi[4204]: … Read more

Link-local IPv4 network scope on Windows

We have an embedded PC that initially starts off life with a link-local IPv4 address, typically It broadcasts its existence using Zeroconf using the python-zeroconf library. These Zeroconf messages are happily received on the Mac, but the ZeroConf broadcast is never received on Windows 10 unless the PC is also on a link-local address … Read more

No Bonjour even on successful OpenVPN TAP connection

I have a wireless printer/scanner on a remote network that is accessible via OpenVPN server in eth-bridge mode running on Ubuntu 20.04 host (in the same remote network as the scanner of course). IP printing is fine and working, its the scanner service I need using tools on client machine(s), in this case OSX 10.15.7 … Read more

Avahi-browse only showing ipv6 entries when in a different vlan

Why are only IPv6 entries shown, what happened to the IPv4 entries? IPv6 Entries are the only ones being populated with the avahi-browse when run from a different vlan. Setup IGMP, PIM on L3 switch with a vSphere ubuntu or VyOS vm todo mDNS reflection which is providing discoverability between vlans. However chromecast and tv … Read more