How do you create and partition a raw disk image?

I need to create a raw disk image for use in a virtual machine, but I need to create the partitions before creating the file system or installing the operating system. Can anyone describe a process to do this? Answer First create a blank raw disk image (25GB in this case): # dd if=/dev/zero of=disk.img … Read more

Linux – how to format multiple file systems within one file?

I need to create a disk image with two empty file systems. I have created it using dd if=/dev/zero of=./disk.img bs=1MiB count=1024 Next, I have created 2 primary partitions using fdisk disk.img; one is FAT32 and other is EXT3. Now, I have to format both partitions in order to create file-systems to be mounted as … Read more

How does WUBI handle partitions upon shutdown?

Alright, so, basically, I’m trying to boot up Gentoo in a manner similar to WUBI; I have an installation on an ext4-formatted loopback file, BURG installed under the Windows Bootloader, and the kernel/initramfs available for booting. The booting still has some issues (those I think I can work out, they’re mostly because of small issues … Read more

Why is there more than one loopback IP address?

Most applications only need the one loopback IP address of However, not only is the address block provided, and even is provided as well but in fact the whole range is provided. Clearly, this is a totally and completely unconscionable waste of space as there is no purpose what so ever … Read more

What’s the difference between and

I know that both are loopback IPs, but they have another ip mask. What’s the difference between them? Can they be used interchangeably? =========================================================================== IPv4 routes =========================================================================== Active routes: Destination Mask Gateway Interface Metric 26 […] On-link 306 On-link 306 Answer No. You cannot use … Read more

Why has Microsoft never implemented a loopback interface in Windows?

First things first: I know that you can install a sort-of-a Loopback Adapter in Windows. But what I really found strange is that there exists nothing like lo on Windows. At all. From The missing network loopback interface: Windows TCP/IP stack does not implement a network loopback interface, as found in other TCP/IP stack like … Read more

How can I change the binding order of network adapters in Windows 7?

The end goal here is that I am trying to install an Oracle 10g server on my Windows 7 x64 dev box. I use DHCP, and the Oracle installer is throwing up this warning: Checking Network Configuration requirements … Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Failed <<<< Problem: The install has detected … Read more

How can I see traffic on Windows using Wireshark?

Every time I try to filter to just show a specific IP address, I get an error indicating that it is “not an interface or a field.” I have no idea what that means. Furthermore, I don’t really see any localhost traffic in the logs anyway. How can I show TCP localhost traffic? Platform: Windows … Read more

How can I use curl with ::1 for ipv6 based loopback?

I tried a few ways but they seem to be confusing curl. root@testt:~# curl localhost:8080 <h1>Hello world!</h1> <p>Boom Bam Splat</p> root@testt:~# curl ::1:8080 curl: (3) IPv6 numerical address used in URL without brackets root@testt:~# curl [::1]:8080 curl: (3) [globbing] bad range specification in column 2 Answer Looking at the suggestions — and breakdown of common … Read more