=> not found

I’m installing Bacula from sources on CentOS 6.6. ./configure –prefix=/usr –sysconfdir=/etc/bacula –with-mysql [root@bacula0 lib]# ldd /usr/sbin/bacula-dir => (0x00007fff65bff000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007ff210081000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007ff20fe58000) => not found => /usr/lib/ (0x00007ff20fc4c000) You can see that one library is missing. I have run ldconfig -v. Also there is lists of libs: [root@bacula0 … Read more

Can’t change Win7 libraries location from Windows Server 2003 server

I’m having trouble understanding why I can’t change the location of my Windows 7 Pro user libraries. All of my libraries that matter (My Documents, Downloads, Desktop) are located @ \server1\users\USER The Desktop and My Documents libraries are synced with Windows Sync Center and are located @ \server1\users\USER\My Documents (& Desktop) On the Windows 7 … Read more

Compiling GnuPG links gpg2 to /lib instead of /usr/local/lib/ [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 5 years ago. Improve this question Occasionally I have to install new packages on servers. If I’m lucky, I can find an RPM, otherwise, I get to bang my … Read more

Unable to link to shared library under systemd

Does systemd do something funny with linking shared libraries? I have a php extension which loads a shared library outside the php extension directory. If I run php-cli or start php-fpm from the CLI it works as expected and phpinfo() shows how the extension was built: Compile-time ORACLE_HOME /path/to/oracle_home Libraries Used -Wl,-rpath,/path/to/oracle_home/lib -L/path/to/oracle_home/lib -lclntsh When … Read more

Replace Existing XMLTooling Library w/ Compiled Version

To remediate an Shibboleth SSO vulnerability ( I’m attempting to replace the existing libxmltooling7 library with a newer version (from 1.6.0-4 to 1.6.3). I’ve successfully downloaded source, built dependencies, complied and verified the new library is installed in /usr/local…though dkpg -l is still showing the old version: # Output of dkpg -l | grep xmlt… … Read more

Preloading shared library with libVirt

I am trying to load two shared libraries while running Qemu using libvirt. To preload the shared libraries I have added an environment variable in the $domain.xml file with the following command: virt-xml generic –edit –confirm –qemu-commandline ‘env=LD_PRELOAD=/home/probir/Downloads/kpv_temp/temp/kvmTest/build_kvm/’ However, while running the domain, I get the following message of failure to preload the shared files. … Read more

Could a CRON cause a segfault?

I’m running a web-server using AWS (Ubuntu 18, Apache2, Django, with https cert from Let’s Encrypt – which auto renews) at I am the only one who has access to the AWS account and the site’s admin pages. Pretty much the only folks (besides bots) who use this site are me and my friends … Read more

openssl .so library version incompatible

I upgraded to openssl-1.1.1d from openssl-1.0.0 But, opendkim supports openssl-1.0. So, some changes were done and compiled it. The compiling was okay. When I try to run the binary, sometimes it runs. But, mostly the following error occurred. version `′ not found ( No file or directory named So I created a symlink … Read more

deleted glibc x86_64 on a VPS, centOS 6

Can you please help me solve this problem. I’ve “accidentally” rpm -e the glibc.x86_64 libraries and made my VPS unusable as all commands throw one of the following errors: [root@panel lib64]# yum bash: /usr/bin/yum: /usr/bin/python: bad interpreter: No such file or directory [root@panel lib64]# ls bash: /bin/ls: /lib64/ bad ELF interpreter: No such file or … Read more