Debian Packets fix – locale not working – cant install packets – Librarys broken

I did something horrible and hopefully didnt destroy my Debian 9 Strech… I googled like 2 Hours to fix this but nothing has helped… What I Did: my ClamAV was outdated, and I added a testing source into /etc/apt/sources.list manually and typed “apt-get install clamav” into terminal, now some Libs are Broken… Moreover I deleted … Read more

Downgrade to previous Linux kernel or libc6 version on OpenVZ (libc6 issue)

Recently i’ve tried to upgrade my server OS from Ubuntu 16.04 to Ubuntu 18.10, then i’ve found out that i’m on OpenVZ virtualization and it’s impossible and stuck in the middle. Now apt-get install/update/upgrade doesn’t works, screaming about installing new kernel and unmet dependencies with libc6, disk space garbaged to 99%, and i’m in panic … Read more

Debian apt dependency mismatch (libc6)

Earlier, I tried to install package via apt-get (cython), but it failed with the Errors were encountered while processing: message, and since then, apt is refusing to install anything. apt-get check output below: root@dix:~# apt-get check Reading package lists… Done Building dependency tree Reading state information… Done You might want to run ‘apt-get -f install’ … Read more

Is it possible/advisable to try and update libc6 without rebooting the machine?

I want to update the libc6 package on a running production server without incurring downtime. AFAIK pretty much everything on the system depends on libc6 either directly or indirectly: $ sudo apt-cache rdepends libc6 | wc -l 21026 It would be possible to go through and one-by-one restart/reload services that depend on it, but there’s … Read more

Broken Dependencies on Debian

Currently running Debian Lenny (5.0.9). I added the following test repos to install a specific package; deb testing main contrib deb-src testing main contrib However, now when I go to install another package (libc6-dev), this is the result; The following packages are BROKEN: libc6-dev The following NEW packages will be installed: binutils{a} cpp{a} … Read more

Can’t work with server after modifying /lib/

I have a CentOS server, VPS. After running this command I can’t work with server and get the same error in all actions (SSH, Login, ls and …) The command: ln -s /lib/ /lib/ -f And the error is: /sbin/shutdown: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or … Read more

Ubuntu 11.04 no command working anymore

I accidentally removed libc6 and now every command returns “No such file or directory” example: “bash: /bin/ls: No such file or directory” Is there anything that can be done to reinstall libc6? P.S. apt-get, dpkg return the same error Answer It is possible to recover from a mistake like that without shutting the system down, … Read more

Can’t upgrade certbot because of libc6 version

I am trying to update Certbot from 0.10.2 to some version with support to ACME 2 in Debian 9.1 with Python 2.7.9. apt-cache policy certbot certbot: Installed: 0.10.2-1 Candidate: 0.28.0-1~deb9u2 Version table: 0.28.0-1~deb9u2 500 500 oldstable/main amd64 Packages 500 oldstable-updates/main amd64 Packages 0.28.0-1~bpo9+1 100 100 stretch-backports/main amd64 Packages *** 0.10.2-1 100 100 … Read more