What is the difference between .msi file and binary version of apache? [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question I am new to web programming , Could anyone please explain what the difference between .msi and binary version of … Read more

MSI on Windows 10 won’t register OCX (even when run as admin)

Got an MSI built using a Visual Studio Installer project. The resulting MSI was developed on Windows 7 some years back, and works fine there. There is a merge module (MSM) that is supposed to dump an OCX to the 32-bit system folder (usually C:\Windows\SysWOW64) and register it in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. When I run the installer … Read more

How to cause workstations on network to install msi package?

I have remote access to a Windows Small Business Server 2008 machine. There are about 5 workstations connected to this network. How can I make every workstation install an .msi package without having to remotely connect to each workstation? Answer Have you simply considered using your active Directory to publish the application via a Group … Read more

error in msiexec for mariadb

This fails (and wont let me add /L for logging) and displays the help popup: Start-Process -FilePath msiexec -ArgumentList /i, “C:\app\install\mariadb-10.0.14-winx64.msi”, INSTALLDIR=”C:\ipw\bin\MariaDB 10.0\”, PASSWORD=sekrit1234,STDCONFIG=0, SERVICENAME=MySQL, /qn -Wait i.e. im trying to install it as a service with the specified rootpassword, and have the containing script wait until finished. FYI, this command works, it runs just … Read more

Single MSI file – many remote applications

How can I create a single MSI installer file for many remote applications in Remote Desktop Services (RDS)? Suppose I have 10 applications exposed via RDS. To make life easier I created MSI installer packages so users can “install” those applications. Currently I have 10 different MSI files which forces users to install 10 times. … Read more

MSI Wind Box DE500 Debian Lenny sometimes crashes

I’ve currently a strange problem in that my WIND BOX DE500-5123L Atom D510 320GB 2048MB DVD SM HD4330 sometimes crashes and I’m not sure where to start. Linux kernel is 2.6.26-2-vserver-686 #1 SMP Thu May 13 01:30:39 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux (just the Debian pristine). The kernel log doesn’t give my anything suspicious: 02:30:01 CRON[15102]: … Read more

Windows Live Messenger redist for remote deployment

I can’t seem to find the redist package for this software. download.live.com loads an exe that downloads appropriate packages on the fly, but I would like the MSIs for Messenger and the Outlook Connector. Any suggestions? Answer Take a peek at the notes section here at appdeploy to locate the full install package. AttributionSource : … Read more

Increase kmemsize size of non-swappable kernel memory

I’m getting an error about not enough resources on a VPS running CentOS The exact error has to do with non-swappable memory. Here are the stats Current Use 29.35 Soft Limit 30 Hard Limit 33 Units MB Server Total Memory 4.4GB How do I increase this from 30 megs and what is a safe limit … Read more